My very first blog

I thought that I would blog our time in Italy to share our adventures to express what it is like to live in another here it goes.

We arrived here March 5th 2011 the Pisa airport....I was scared, nervous, excited, so many emotions were going threw me. I just left America the only place I have ever lived, we left all our friends and family but this is something we wanted a chance to experience living life in a different country. Our sponsor (Melissa) was picking us up from the airport she wasn't there right when we got there, hoping that she would be there soon seeing that we had no phone and the fact we were in a foreign country. She came soon, we probably waited about 5-10 mins. She took us to the base where we will be staying at and were Aaron will be working, we arrived at Camp Darby. A small base but yet I have seen smaller before. We got settled in our hotel room where this will be our home for a bit, a small room but good enough for us. We got to sleep alot of Sunday to adjust to the time change and the jet lag. That evening Melissa and her husband and adorable daughter Sydney took us out to eat to our first "real Italian" restaurant. It was called  il toscana was the best Italian food I have ever had! The flavor was so amazing so different compared to American Italian food. I got to try a white wine which was so amazing, a bit tart but some sweetness to it! And to top it off we stopped at Gelato store on the way back. Tiramsu gelato was to die for so yummy!

Melissa showed us around the base, I got to see where Aaron works and his office. I got a chance to check out the commissary, the shopette, and the PX (mini mall) which is small compared to Hill.

This past Monday we got a chance to look at three different houses! We ended up liking 2 of them. The second one we saw was a smaller duplex house about 864 square feet. It was in this cool village, i wish i could remember the name it started with a "P" The landlord showed us around a very nice man, didn't speak a lick of English. But we had our funny cute lady translate for us, we ended up liking the house more than what we thought. It had a very nice kitchen and a decent size living room. But only had a one bedroom with a upstairs attic room aka Aaron's man cave. The master bedroom was pretty small and we weren't sure if all of our furniture would fit. The landlord did tell us that he would take care of our yard, tree trimming he also showed us his garden, by the way he lives right by the house. He said we would give us fresh veggies (which would be so awesome) but in the end what made our decision to not get that place was that we would not be able to get Internet in that location which we need Internet to stay in touch with family and friends from back home.
The next house we saw was a newer style house only a couple years old was a bit over our price range but we still wanted to check it out! It had a huge living room, 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, hardwood floors upstairs, nice size yard with storage barn in the back yard. But it was almost too big for just Aaron and I. Maybe if we would have a child but we don't have a little one yet. So we had to say no to that one also, but just found out today that there is an opening to government housing! So we have an appointment this Friday wish us luck i hope we will like it! Its in Livorno i hear which is close to the beach, and it has AC which is very important most Italian homes don't have AC and in the summers it gets really humid here so i have heard.

Aaron and i are leaving next Monday for Ramstein AFB in Germany for Aaron's TDY training! Im excited to see another country plus I have heard that this base as an awesome shopping mall with all kinds of American restaurants! Our friends Justin and Crissy Worthen that are stationed in Belgium are going to come see us! I can't wait....Crissy is my dear friend and my actual first friend in Utah! So glad that I had her when i first moved to Utah! So after a week in Germany when we get back Melissa will pick us up from the airport and we head straight to Aviano AFB for a couple days! Just found out that our car is in Europe so hopefully it should be here soon! I still have to take my driving test so that i can drive in this country. All our belongings should be arriving the end of March and first of April! I'm so ready to settle into our home so hoping we like this house we are checking out on Friday..we just have too!

I miss everyone so much....but I'm hoping with this blog that i can updated everyone on whats going on with us!

I miss my baby Goose so much I didn't think I would be like this but its so different not having my pet around. We was there for me when Aaron deployed and kept me say. I tear up typing this but my cat means so much to me. And makes me sad he is not here with me :(

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