Our Trip to Germany

Iv'e been wanting to blog about our trip from Germany since we got back on Sunday but we have been experiencing some internet problems at our hotel room. So since it's up and running now I want to share about our crazy adventure and post a few pics!

We left for Ramstein Germany last Monday March 21st and let me tell you we had a heck of a time getting there. To make a super long story short we had some car problems only made it proably 15-20 mins away from the airport. Our cell phones did not work seeing that we only had Italy phones and not international phones. Thank goodness we ended up on the side of the road where people were hiking we can along this couple that spoke pretty good english and aloud us to use their phone to call the car rental people. We waited for about an hour and half for a tow truck guy to pick us up he dropped us off about 1/4 mile away from where the car stopped at this grocery store where a taxi would pick us up and take us back to the airport. So by this time we were 4-5 behind schedule hadn't ate since early that day. Finally made it back to the airport got a new car. We borrowed a gps from someone that Aaron works with and we were trying to find the hotel that we were staying at that was like 10-15 away from the Ramstein AFB well we ended up in this small town in the middle of Germany not knowing where we were (plus its dark out by this time) We ended up finding Ramstein in the favorites in the gps. Ended up going to Ramstein stopping at the hotel to ask for directions, we drove to this other base that wasn't too far away and to find out thats where we checked in but have to drive to this other base that is minutes away from where we are staying...by this time we were so out of it and it was close to midnight by this time and Aaron had class early that morning, i felt so bad for him.

Aaron had his classes for 3 days Tues-Thurs one of the nights we went on base and was able to eat at Chilis it was so good to eat some actual food and not microwavable foods like we have been eating. Thursday we headed to Spangdahlem and met up with our friends the Worthen family! It was so good to see a friend it was just what i needed! The day we went to Trier and got to see this really old cathedral church, got to check out the shops and walk around. Went through a park where people were playing frisbee, reading, playing guitar, playing with their dogs it was so cool! That night we ended up eating at this Italian restaurant that was really close to the base! The next day we headed back to Ramstein went to the mall on base and did some shopping with Crissy! The guys and kids met up with us later for lunch at Macaroni Grill! We had such a fun time with the kids with Frankie and Lilly and of course had a great time with my dear friend Crissy! And so glad that Aaron was able to spend time with Justin one of his good friends!

Here are a few pictures of our time in Germany...if you wanna check out more see my facebook page!

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